Wednesday, June 7, 2023

 Suprise! Surprise!! It looks as if my blog is still active! That's great because I have some things to say that Facebook et al won't allow.

Take a long look at this first in my series of Outlaw Posts:

Around a half-millenium ago, all the "intellectuals" were adamant about the world being flat to the point that a true scientist, mathematician, physicist, and astronomer--Galileo--was ex-communicated by the Roman Catholic church because he maintained correctly--based on true scientific evidence--that Earth is indeed round and orbits the sun, as opposed to the then current myth denied by all but "those who were pronounced ignorant and backwards."

Now a similar situation exists concerning what used to be almost every fifth-grade boy's fantasy: to get into the girl's bathroom. It's the myth of transgenderism. To my knowledge--albeit limited, I confess--there exists no evidence that has been tested and proved by the scientific method, which unequivocally proves--or disproves--facts based on tests that include meeting and destroying opposing theories. Those who claim to have access to the whole of knowledge will never permit opposing viewpoints, even when they are based upon obvious, longstanding truths.

Oh, the destroyers claim myriad "studies" that back up their misguided claims. Has anyone ever noticed that invited participants to such studies rarely, if ever, include conservative intellectuals?

True scientists rejoice in being able to confront and annihilate challenges to their positions.

Many years ago, there was exceeding joy among those who chose to follow a different pathway to sexual happiness about studies that had shown there exists a specific gene that proves homosexuality is a normal human condition. I contacted someone connected to that story and asked, "Did the studies include ascertaining whether or not the "gene" appeared among others who practiced sexual aberration, such as rapists, child molesters, necromancers, etc." Did he with assurance answer, "Of course, we did. There would be no other way to validate the results of the studies"? 

No. He quickly accused me of "having an agenda." Gentlepersons of the jury, who has the agenda?

A magnificent example of a crow has taken up residence in my backyard. Should anyone produce any scientifically proved (lose the studies, please) evidence that the activities and claims of the homosexual "community" result from a predetermined circumstance as opposed to deviates' chosen lifestyle, I will shoot the crow and publicly eat it.